Mushroom Grow Kit


Due to the weight and size of our grow blocks, we only ship on request. We offer local delivery and pickup within our Erickson- Brandon- Winnipeg delivery route.

Have a shot at growing your own mushrooms at home! With a little care and attention, you can harvest your very own highly priced culinary and medicinal fungi!

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The internet is ripe with people growing at home for themselves. Everyone has their own way of creating a fruiting environment.

Our favorite low-tek method is to cut an X in the bag, leave it on the counter, and lightly mist multiple times a day. This works best when the ambient relative humidity is high.

Our second favorite low-tek method is to keep the grow block in a clear tote (40-60L) with the lid ajar to allow for air exchange. These totes are readily available for under $20.

Setting up your low-tek fruiting chamber

Sterilize the clear tote with a 5% bleach solution (or 25% alcohol dilution) and allow to dry

Next cut a 4'' X in the the front of the grow bag and place the bag in the tote.

Lightly mist the walls of the tote to create the appearance of even condensation with minimal pooling. Maintain this level of humidity while providing regular air exchanges until harvest. Careful not to soak the mushrooms as they mature.


Lions mane -For culinary use, harvest a day of two after spine development. For tincturing, let it grow until spines are up to 1/4".

Oysters- harvest when caps broaden, before they turn upwards.

Second and even third flushes are common so long as conditions are clean, and contamination hasn’t set-in.

Setting your Grow Block up for success!

Choose an area with dispersed daylight (no direct sunlight) with a temperature of 18-23 degrees.

Choose an area that you wont forget about it!

Maintain the appearance of condensation on the walls of the tote by applying water from a spay bottle at least once per day until the fruiting cycle is complete. Careful not to directly spray the fruiting body!

We hope for the best success in your cultivation!